johannes frenzel

I’m Johannes Frenzel. I’m a graduate of the University of Passau and hold a bachelor’s degree in Information Systems. In university, I acquired a broad knowledge at the cross-section of technology and business, including software development, management, and marketing.

After graduating I was able to put my knowledge into practice, working as an Intern at Seven.One Media GmbH for six months. My responsibilities there included the creation of e-mail-marketing campaigns and web content. I also accompanied a website migration project from the conception of the information architecture to the early stages of development.

I consider myself a lifelong student and believe, that to remain at the cutting edge in the fast-moving world of business and information technology I must dedicate myself to constant learning and improvement. Outside of my university coursework and Internship I spent much of my free time learning and reading books on diverse topics, such as marketing, technology, and psychology. I also ventured to other topics such as philosophy and classic literature in order to expose myself to new ideas outside of my field of expertise.

While traveling to countries, such as Taiwan, Australia, and Oman, I learned to adapt to new situations, improve my cultural awareness, and be self-reliant. Spending months at a time in a foreign country with a culture that is totally different from everything you know, forces you to grow and let go of all preconceptions you might have had.

When I’m not learning something new, you can find me hiking in the Bavarian alps, or taking photos of things that fascinate me.

You can contact me on my contact page or my LinkedIn Page.